Gone Fishin’ Novel Travel Goes to Lough Derg on Newstalk
This week I’m on a trip to Tipp and soaking up all that Lough Derg has to offer.
Lough Derg Background
I started at Garrykennedy a quaint village in tipperary on the lough but the circumfrance of the Lough is 120 km and it weaves its way to Portumna in the north with is Galway – sweeps down through Co Clare and towns such as Mountshannnon before kissing Limerick at the bottom of the lake. So it’s very accessible to all four counties.
Fishing with Irish Fishing Tours
I’ve been fishing – It’s been on my bucket list for months now and I finally got out on the Lough with Paul Bourke from Irish Fishing Tours –
A day out is €250 including tackle boat and all that you will need.
Holy Island Boat Tours
Holy Island boat trips – all about the heritage of the island. Adult fare €12 child €6
The island’s name, Inis Cealtra, means the “island of the burials”; or “of monastic cells”. The island lies about 1km from the mainland and 2km from Mountshannon. Holy Island is a historic place with its roots in early Irish Christian times. Pilgrims travelled here for hundreds of years right up to the mid 19th century. Inis Cealtra is associated with several Irish saints of the sixth and seventh centuries most notably St Caimin who founded a monastery here during that period. The Vikings burned the monastery in 836 and again in 922.
In this period the remains of the Western Roman Empire were being over-run by mostly non-Christian tribes. But Ireland kept Christianity alive in the outlying parts of Western Europe. Celtic monks later reintroduced Christianity to Northern Britain and several other parts of Europe. The island remained in active occupation until the thirteenth century despite numerous attacks from Norse raiders and others. The island is also associated with Brian Boru.
Watersports on the Lough
Lough Derg Water Sports offers Canoe and Kayak lessons taught by Canoe Ireland accredited instructors. Based at Kilgarvan Quay on the east shore of Lough Derg, we also run from a number of points around the lake including Terryglass, Portumna – the lake is your oyster!
We deliver safe fun learning suitable to all levels, all ages, all sizes. You will experience the adventure and enjoy the serenity of Lough Derg, whilst getting hooked on paddling! Our Kayaks are straight running and steady boats, perfectly safe for beginners. During the summer we host tours of the lake, paddle picnics and bbq’s. We can cater for events, groups and individuals.
A two hour snappy tour is €35 pp
Pretty towns around the lough and Lough Derg Blueway
All the little ports around Lough Derg have their own individual character. The postcard-pretty village of Dromineer, once known as the ‘Port of Ormond’, is a unique little gem of a village with lots of treats in store for visitors. The harbour is a haven for boating fans; the lake-beach is an ideal spot to take a dip on summer days.
Terryglass which is a pretty town and Paddys Bar is great and will be open on June 7th. Walking, hiking and horseriding are some of the activities…
Paddys Bar is great for a stop off in Terryglass average price for dinner €13pp
A trip to Domineer is the perfect opportunity for avid walkers to breathe in the natural beauty of a lakeside town. Pop on the hiking boots and challenge yourself to the Slí Eala. This walk translates to “The Way of the Swan” and is a tranquil 10km walk which allows participants to immerse themselves in the sheer beauty of the lake lands.
If you want to enjoy all the Lough Derg Blueway has to offer, give Becky a call to help you explore on the water!
Action and fun in Portumna
Portumna has some great activities for kids – we went karting….Pallas Karting.
A thirty minutes race on the small track is €35 for thirty minutes on 500m track but you can add paint balling to that for another €35
Portumna Castle is free as are all OPW sites for the rest of this year and there is a lovely exhibition on at the moment of nature photographs taken during lockdown and submitted to RTE for the competition.
Podumna Pods
Podumna Village… glamping in pods in the forest area of Portumna.
Places to Stay
Podumna Village…..prices start from €140 per couple but a family of six can stay for €180
Dick Ridge will look after you well and you can hire one of his bikes which are very reasonable at €10 per hour or €15 for three hours – pop in to see Portumna Castle and the old Abbey with incredible graves and interesting architecture. Dick’s Bikes
The Calves Field
I’m staying at the Calves Field in Carney which is only 15 minutes from nenagh and an excellent base for travelling around all the waterside villages in Tipperary…Catherina will help you source food and caterers will drop off breakfasts and dinners straight to the house.
This beautiful Air BnB will cater for 8 comfortably and it has every convenience. Catherina will make you most welcome and the house is excellent for anyone travelling with kids- lots of safety features included. A one night stay is €200 or €1000 for the week. https://www.thecalvesfield.com/
Breakfast was delivered this morning from Lexi’s in Borrisokane and we enjoyed shopping at the wine buff in Nenagh.
There’s a farmers market every week and this week it’s in Ballinderry so we are heading off there in the morning……
For more information see https://discoverloughderg.ie/