The press trip which started all this travel writing happened earlier this year when I was invited to take my daughter on a Royal Caribbean Cruise…and what a trip it was! My eight-year-old had to be coaxed (kicking and screaming I might add) off the ship after our seven night stay.
We started off in Fort Lauderdale and took two days to reach the paradise island of Labadee. It truly was a sight to behold and with plenty to entice us back on the ship from Barbie events to new friends we started our journey to the next port of call Falmouth, Jamaica.
Here we trekked Dunes River Falls and felt very adventurous indeed – Bob Marley music of course was everywhere and when we skyped my partner and son back in Dublin later that day they were very jealous!
Final destination was Cozumel Mexico and by now we were in a dream – the full article can be read by clicking here http://www.royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com/view-in-the-news/65/when-barbie-met-ken/ and Nicole had such a fab time she blogged about it herself!
If you ever considered cruising with kids then read this article that I wrote for the Irish Mail on Sunday first!
Happy holidays
Michelle 🙂