Cannery Row in Monterey….

  Old sardine factory now converted Cannery Row in Monterey is no longer a stink, as the author John Steinbeck portrayed this once important centre of sardine fishing. Steinbeck’s novel Cannery Row is 70 years […]

Home on the Range in Oklahoma

Like many of a certain age, my father is a massive fan of the Wild West. I can remember as a child having to watch The Magnificent Seven and A Fistful of dollars over and […]

Perth and the inspiration for a novel

I’m currently writing a novel that was inspired by a journey that I took this summer to Oklahoma and it reminded me that I haven’t posted my article about our family trip to Perth in […]

When in Rome…

Published in Irish Mail on Sunday 12th January 2014 The first time I visited Rome I was accompanied by thirty five art students, six teachers and in the middle of the trip the Pope died. […]

Acropolis Wow!

I recently spent two days in Athens while waiting to meet up with my cruise ship Celebrity Reflection and was pleasantly surprised by the buzz and delights waiting for us. The full article is available […]

Welcome to the Novel Traveller

Hello and welcome! I have written seven novels set in various locations around the world and have been writing travel articles for Ireland’s national newspapers for four years now. I started blogging about my travels […]

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