Travel light with the Kids
We all bring too much stuff on holiday but we go overboard especially when taking the kids with us. These are my top tips for travelling light! Make a LIST and be Organised.
Travel Documents – make sure all your travel documents are compact and put in the wallet or airline App on your phone. I always make a paper copy in case my phone battery runs out. Assign this to one adult travelling with the passports if there are two adults.
Ten Kg of Luggage is Enough for any Holiday Make sure that you are allowed to take on a carrier bag of 10kg. You will need to pay extra for this with Aer Lingus and Ryanair but it means that your luggage won’t be lost in transit. Pricing with Aer Lingus is from €6 to carry a bag on board. Pricing with Ryanair depends on routes and travel dates and best option is to book priority with two cabin bags from €8-€32 when purchasing your ticket as you get extra carry-on bag. This is more than enough for a week away and longer if you are going to the sun! If you are travelling long-haul your airline will most likely allow you to bring a 10kg bag on board for free – some charter airlines do this as well. I travelled to Thailand with both my kids and we each had one 10kg bag. Make sure you bag is within the recommended size of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm!
Get your Kids packing from the time they can travel – mine were packing theirs from the age of 5 and 6. There can be some trouble with this such as the time my daughter packed a six inch scissors in her bag or my son packed his Swiss army penknife. He actually had got through Dublin security without any of us being aware but it was on return from Faro Airport that it was discovered. Fortunately there was postbox with pre-stamped envelopes in the security lounge to accommodate these sort of emergencies and the knife arrived in the post a couple of days later. Due diligence after they have packed is required but you will be glad that you have trained them in for future trips.
Only Bring what you NEED – if you are going away for a week there really isn’t a need for five pairs of shoes. Wear your most comfortable on the flight such a runners – It can be chilly on a flight, especially at night so also wear your sweatshirt or fleece. Even the Mediterranean can have a cool breeze in the evenings. If you have checked in luggage I always suggest one spare set of clothes and swimwear and bare essentials – especially if travelling with kids as they can be ill on the flight. Bring colours that co-ordinate, for example have a staple such a navy and white and dress around it add colour with T shirts.
Roll your Clothes – you will pack many more items by rolling your clothes before packing and this helps to keep creases out. Pack underwear between the gaps and don’t bring too much underwear as you can wash smalls easily in a bathroom sink and they will dry in warm weather on your veranda.
Be ready for Security – it’s really SIMPLE Any pastes, liquids or gels must be in bottles under 100ml in size. These bottles must fit in the jiffy bag size that’s given out free at the airport security. You can buy sun cream and basic toiletries when you get there and leave them behind when you go home.
Games and Books – hours of fun can be had with a deck of cards. Games like Switch, Spit and UNO. You can buy colouring books at the book shop in the airport to save carrying these through security. No need to bring lots of toys from home – holidays are a time to be creative. Guessing Games and hangman are great fun. If bringing a favouite toy be extra careful – my daughters teddy Elizabeth has made several journeys through the post and lived to tell the tale thanks to some very lovely hotels.
Inflatable Toys for the Pool – these should be bought on day one to get the most value during your stay – leave behind with friends that your kids will make by the pool – they may even get lucky and be given some if their friends go home before them.
Beach and Pool Towels – check if your hotel or apartment provides these as this will save you bringing or buying some when you arrive.
Enjoy the freedom travelling light brings you and the extra time you will save unpacking at your destination
Happy Travels
Michelle x