New England Road Trip

The north eastern corner of the United States is one of the best spots on the planet to enjoy autumn – or as they say in New England, The Fall. Leaf-Peeping ready, I set off […]

Fall-ing for Western Massachusetts

Few places conjure up the splendour of autumn better than the north-eastern corner of the United States. I’m on a road trip with my daughter, Nicole, driving through miles of maples, oaks and sycamores each […]

The Key to the Perfect Road Trip

An eerie calm falls overhead before the next roll of thunder. I’m in a double kayak, paddled by the arm power of my son, Mark, as we glide through giant mangroves. It’s a balmy 32 […]

Hemingway and The Florida Keys

  Joe DiMaggio lies on Ernest Hemingway’s bed at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s arguably the most delightful spot in the entire house, but he is after all the alpha male of the other […]

New Jersey on RTE’s Today

RTE Today November 16th New Jersey With Thanksgiving only a week away I’ve been thinking about about all the lovely USA options we have from Ireland so in this week’s show we are taking a […]

Halloween Travel on VMTVs Ireland AM

Halloween Travel Ireland AM on Virgin Media TV   New England  Traditionally the festival of Samhain is an Irish Festival but we can thank our emigrant heritage and friends in America to really put it […]

Chicago My Kinda Town!

I’ve travelled extensively across the USA and only ever passed through Chicago O’Hare Airport on my way to other states. So I came up with a good excuse to visit this summer when my son […]

Re-Connect with a Connecticut Road Trip

Connecticut Coco Chanel wakes up on a soft doggie bed and her ears prick up to the sound of a gentle morning chorus. Outside the sun breaks through the lime green beech leaves and meanders […]

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